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50% of profits from all orders go to non-profits making this world a better place!
Baphomet is an ancient idol meant to symbolize balance
The name ‘Baphomet’ has been used throughout modern history to represent all things occult. Simplified, Baphomet is a symbol of balance & equality. Equality among the sexes, humanity & the earth, and amongst all living beings. Where there is imbalance, baphomet tips the scale…
How can you make the world better with bicycles?
Bicycles have been conduits of freedom throughout history.
They played an essential role in the suffragette movement, & they provide an emissions-free mode of transportation as we face a climate crisis. Mass-produced bicycles create a shit ton of waste & don’t particularly help anyone, beyond providing a good time.
using recycled packaging at every opportunity & donating 50% of profits to humanitarian organizations, Baphomet is the alternative bicycle bringing balance to an industry that needs to clean up.
Press Publications
Fundraiser for Ride Group: The Radavist
SingleSpeed Hardtail “Lefthand Path”: The Radavist
Small-Scale Cycling Manufacturers Move to NM: The ABQ Journal
Singlespeed Gravel Bike: The Radavist
Shreddy Rando, The Touring Bike: The Radavist